Previews of Modules in work

Bay & Bridge (reworked) with the steel bridge and piers constructed from rough-sawn
ebony. The bay will be filled with 'Water' to protect the canvas image and complete the
setting. Commercial fishing buildings and wharf warehouses are alos on the list - as well
a lit light house (which may incorporate the neck of a glass coke bottle to represent the
prismed windows.)
Module photographs
Modules set into shelves for storage
Bay & Bridge (top) without the bridge
Midyard Sidings (bottom) with the factory attached

City & Subway partially textured

Bay & Bridge (top) seen from the other side
Midyard Sidings (middle) from the other side
Airport & Town (bottom) partially visible
City & Subway (top) from a different perspective
Mountain Village (bottom)
Corner and Criss Cross (top)
Rerouting Endyard (middle) with storage tanks started
Tee (bottom) with buildings temporarily placed (and extra leg supports stacked)

Turntable Switchyard (top) with single tree
Corner and Criss Cross (bottom)
Landscaping with Trees
Fabrics used to construct trees

Basic Tree construction used covering the bolt head like a fabric button.
Use string to pull the fabric hard against the bolt and tape on the bolt threads to keep
the glue and fabric from sticking. Trim with a sharp blade. More details here...
Textured Buildings